"Boost Your Business with Our Expert Digital Marketing Course for SME Owners!"

While there are plenty of resources available discussing the ins-and-outs of social media, SEO, web design, and digital marketing in general, it can be tough to know where to focus your time as a small business owner. With this free video, we’ll talk through some of the digital marketing mistakes small businesses commonly make, and help you understand how to overcome them.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur just starting out, or a long-time business owner looking to take your small business marketing strategy to the next level, we’re here to help!

Introduce yourself quickly to catch our free digital marketing tips.

Enrich Your Digital Marketing Knowledge in 21 Days

As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate. Learn how to make the most of the time you and your employees put towards digital marketing through the 21-day Toucan course!

The videos will help you determine the most important platforms and content plans for engaging with your potential customers, and help you understand what’s needed for creating a successful digital marketing strategy.

Plus, the topics are focused towards small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), so we’ll point you towards practical action steps that don’t require an FTSE 100-sized budget to make a reality.

Whether you’re launching a new business, or just looking to improve your digital marketing knowledge and better support your established business, there are so many things to consider.

If you're feeling overwhelmed trying to figure out the best ways to boost your digital marketing results, you’re in the right place – the Toucan 21 Days of Digital Marketing course will get you up to speed on everything you’ve been missing.

This video course breaks down all the things you need to know and take action on into bite-size five to ten-minute daily video lessons.

We’ll cover everything from understanding your target customers and determining product/service pricing to creating content and marketing strategies that capture attention and drive sales.

We’re also offering access to the course for just £21, so getting started will only take £1 a day!

Read our Testimonials!

Since completing the training, I have seen a significant improvement in my business's online presence, traffic, and leads. I am now able to create and implement effective digital marketing campaigns that help me achieve my business objectives.

Overall, I highly recommend digital marketing training for any business owner or marketer looking to enhance their skills and knowledge in this ever-evolving industry. It has been a game-changer for me and my business, and I'm confident it will be for you too.

Janet Monty, CashonHand


What You’ll Learn in Our Digital Marketing Course

Get 21 Days of Digital Marketing

for £21

When it comes to marketing, one size does not fit all. In today's marketplace, consumers have a wide range of options and an overwhelming amount of information at their fingertips. To stand out from the competition, businesses must deliver targeted messaging that resonates with their ideal customer. But how do you identify your ideal customer, and once you do, how do you craft messaging that speaks directly to them? In this article, we'll explore the art of targeted messaging and how you can reach your ideal customer more effectively.

Identifying Your Ideal Customer

Before you can craft targeted messaging, you need to know who you're targeting. Your ideal customer is the person or group of people who are most likely to buy your product or service. They're the people who have a need or desire for what you offer and are willing and able to pay for it. To identify your ideal customer, you need to consider the following factors:

Demographics: Who are your customers? What is their age, gender, income level, education level, and occupation? Understanding these basic demographic factors can help you identify commonalities among your customers and tailor your messaging accordingly.

Psychographics: What motivates your customers? What are their values, beliefs, interests, and attitudes? Understanding these psychological factors can help you create messaging that speaks to their emotional needs and desires.

Behavioral factors: How do your customers interact with your brand? What are their buying habits, preferences, and pain points? Understanding these behavioral factors can help you create messaging that addresses their specific needs and concerns.

Once you've identified your ideal customer, you can start crafting messaging that speaks directly to them.

Crafting Targeted Messaging

Targeted messaging is all about relevance. When your messaging is relevant to your ideal customer, they're more likely to engage with it and take action. Here are some tips for crafting targeted messaging:

Solve their problem: Your ideal customer has a problem or need that your product or service can solve. Your messaging should focus on how your product or service can solve that problem or meet that need.

Speak their language: Use language that resonates with your ideal customer. If your ideal customer is a millennial, use language that is casual and conversational. If your ideal customer is a professional, use language that is more formal and business-like.

Focus on benefits, not features: Your ideal customer doesn't care about the features of your product or service. They care about the benefits it provides. Focus your messaging on the benefits your product or service offers.

Use social proof: Your ideal customer is more likely to trust your messaging if they see that others have had a positive experience with your brand. Use social proof, such as customer reviews or testimonials, to reinforce your messaging.

Personalize your messaging: Use data and personalization tools to create messaging that is tailored to your ideal customer's specific needs and preferences.

Test and optimize: Don't assume that your messaging is perfect. Test different messaging and see what resonates best with your ideal customer. Use data to optimize your messaging over time.

Examples of Targeted Messaging

Let's take a look at some examples of targeted messaging:

Example 1: A fitness brand targeting millennials

Messaging: "Get fit and have fun with our 30-day challenge. Join a community of like-minded millennials who are committed to reaching their fitness goals."

Why it works: This messaging speaks directly to the target audience (millennials) and focuses on the benefits of the product (getting fit and having fun). It also uses social proof (joining a community of like-minded individuals) to reinforce the messaging.

Example 2: A financial services company targeting professionals

Messaging: "Take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals. Our personalized financial planning services are designed for busy professionals like you."

Why it works: This messaging speaks directly to the target audience (busy professionals) and focuses on the benefits of the product (taking control of finances and achieving financial goals). It also uses personalization (personalized financial planning services) to create messaging that is tailored to the specific needs of the target audience.

Example 3: A skincare brand targeting women over 40

Messaging: "Rejuvenate your skin and turn back the clock. Our anti-aging skincare products are designed to address the unique needs of women over 40."

Why it works: This messaging speaks directly to the target audience (women over 40) and focuses on the benefits of the product (rejuvenating skin and anti-aging). It also uses personalization (addressing the unique needs of women over 40) to create messaging that is tailored to the specific needs of the target audience.


Crafting targeted messaging is an art form that requires a deep understanding of your ideal customer. By identifying your ideal customer and tailoring your messaging to their specific needs and preferences, you can create messaging that resonates more deeply and drives better results. Use the tips and examples in this article to start crafting targeted messaging that speaks directly to your ideal customer, and watch as your marketing efforts become more effective than ever before.

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Learn From Laura Farkas, an Expert on Digital Marketing for SMEs

The 21-day digital marketing course is led by Toucan founder Laura Wolf.

Laura has worked with hundreds of SMEs over the years, and founded and runs her very own boutique UK marketing agency serving small businesses in all aspects of digital marketing, including SEO, web design, sales funnel development, social media, and content creation.

With an extensive background in agency work, Laura’s dedicated her career to developing and offering improved digital marketing solutions to SMEs.

Recognizing that the high-cost and less-than-customizable marketing packages offered by larger agencies don’t typically serve smaller businesses well, Laura’s focus in her agency, and in the 21-day course, is to help those leading smaller businesses achieve greater success in digital marketing.

Along with managing a multitalented and multinational team in her own business, Laura has experience with some of the biggest copywriting companies in the UK and the US and currently writes a LinkedIn Newsletter with over 1,000 engaged readers.

She’s also recently been awarded CMO of the Year 2022 in the Influential Businesswoman Awards, and has authored several books and collaborated with BookBoon.

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Access the 21-Day Marketing Course Today

Take your digital marketing knowledge to the next level when you enrol in our 21-day digital marketing course now.

At just £1 a day, the course is an easy first step towards improving your business’ digital marketing performance, and we can’t wait to have you join us!

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